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Ruach Crushing it in Rock Industry

When Samuel Dyk and his dad heard about the need for aggregate for construction projects in North Dakota, the two “old  farmers” from Platte, S.D., sensed an opportunity.

“We thought, ‘We can figure out rock crushing,’” Dyk says.

They moved to North Dakota and started digging their first pit south of Stanley in a spot with rock at least 15 feet down. Digging further, they discovered the rock only went 15.5 feet down, which is a drop in the bucket in the rock world.

Luckily, they found another pit south of Tioga.

The business launched on a shoestring with a single loan.

“We never had to borrow anymore,” he says. “It was all divine providence. Running a business in a cyclical industry is a faith-building experience.” 

In 2014, they bought a ReadyMix plant and later branched into trucking to move their product. Other aspects of the business include heavy haul, snow removal and recycled concrete and recycled asphalt.

“One thing led to another,” Dyk says. “I’m not afraid to invest in the company.”

A particularly memorable project was breaking 4- to 5-foot fieldstone boulders into 2- to 3-foot fracture faces using a special hammer with 40,000-foot-pounds of striking force.

It was a unique job discovered by a salesman on staff “who likes to dream,” Dyk says.

The company keeps its focus on family and quality of life for its 35 to 45 employees.

They stay focused on their niche: producing and providing aggregate and concrete products. Statements in their company culture include: do the right thing, real people doing real work, no drama, humbly confident and built on teamwork.

In 2019, the company took the name Ruach Resources to honor where their success arises. Ruach is Hebrew forspirit, breath or wind.

“We’re just stewards of the resources,” Dyk says.

To read this and other stories in the North Dakota Living magazine CLICK HERE.