Operation Round Up

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NOVEMBER 1, 2024

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024

*applications must be RECEIVED by deadline date



Organization Information
Organization Details:

Please attach a financial statement(s) for the most previous year below. A current bank statement is adequate.

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The information contained in this statement is for the purpose of obtaining funding from the Operation Round Up® Program on behalf of the undersigned. Each undersigned understands that the information provided herein is used in deciding to grant funding, and each undersigned represents and warrants that the information provided is true and complete and that the Operation Round Up® Program consider this statement as continuing to be true and correct until a written notice of a change is provided. The Operation Round Up® Program is authorized to make all inquiries they deem necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made herein.

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MWEC is dedicated to helping the people in northwestern North Dakota live better lives, not only with affordable electric power, but through one of the 7 Cooperative Principles, Commitment to Community. Through Operation Round Up, an innovative community service fundraising program, MWEC provides a simple and rewarding way for its members to help support worthwhile projects in our service area.

Operation Round Up is a voluntary program and is just what the name implies. Each month, MWEC simply "rounds up" the electric bill of participating members to the nearest dollar. For example, a member's monthly bill of $52.73 would be automatically rounded up to $53.00, with the additional 27 cents going to the Operation Round Up fund. The average contribution per account is 50¢ per month or about $6 per year.

Funds are awarded on an application basis to community-based, non-profit organizations. Political purposes and for-profit organizations are not eligible for funding. The funding decisions of the program are made by the Operation Round Up Board of Directors, in accordance with the program's bylaws.

If you have any questions regarding the MWEC Operation Round Up program
please call 800.279.2667 or email pr@mwec.com.

Current Board Openings:

Mountrail Cooperative Trust
Non-MWEC Member

Williams Cooperative Trust
Non-MWEC Member

For questions or to apply for an open seat,
please email pr@mwec.com

ORU Board of Directors Application

Operation Round Up Board of Directors Application
Contact Information
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ORU 2024