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Today, we stroll down Memory Lane Monday to revisit an article in the May 2014 North Dakota Living Magazine featuring Dorvan Solberg. A decade has passed since Dorvan made the decision to resign from the MWEC board of directors. Recently, MWEC received the news of Dorvan's passing a few weeks ago, and we express gratitude for his significant contributions in representing our members during his tenure.

Dorvan Solberg: Three Decades of Service

Thirty years ago, Dorvan Solberg from Ray decided to get involved with his local electric cooperative. This year, Dorvan will be stepping down from the Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative (MWEC) board of directors to spend more time riding his cutting horse, traveling, working with his cattle, and spending more time with the family.

In 1984, when Dorvan made the decision to run for the Williams Electric Cooperative board of directors, he never thought we would be asking him about his three decades of service.

During his 30 years as a director, there have been many changes, challenges and accomplishments. Seeing MWEC change from an agricultural-based membership to an industrial/commercial membership is one of the greatest challenges Dorvan has seen which he never thought would happen during his time as a director. He also had the opportunity to see a great accomplishment when Williams Electric Cooperative and

Mountrail Electric Cooperative merged in 1991 to form Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative. This was the first successful merger in the state of two electric cooperatives, which has been a benefit to all members.

Although he will no longer be a board member, he will continue to be a valued member of MWEC and says he will still attend the annual meetings.

Dorvan still rides his cutting horse daily and will continue to do so as long as he is able. With a passion for horse riding, Dorvan has also taken up antiquing with his wife, Eileen, and has quite the collection of bits, spurs and pocket knives.

MWEC thanks Dorvan for his 30 years and wishes him the best in the future.

Dorvan with awards     Dorvan Riding