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2024 Haugen Family
Scholarship Winner Announced

In it’s inaugural year, we received 26 applications for the Haugen Family Scholarship!

The Haugen Family Scholarship is designated for qualified applicants who plan to achieve a degree while attending a two-year college, four-year college or certified Vocational or Technical school. Emphasis will be placed on individuals seeking a degree in engineering or other energy related field of study.

The scholarship was open to MWEC members and non-members who were in the following grades during the 2023-2024 school year:
High School Senior
College Freshman, Sophomore or Junior

One winner is awarded a $5,000 scholarship.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who applied! Your enthusiasm and commitment to learning are truly inspiring.

And here is the 2024 winner...

Jace Anderson
Stanley High School

College: Bismarck State College
Major: Lineworker